Enjoy your Exeunt Omnes a day early! :)

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See, Explore, Discover seems similar to the split in [DIY & dragons: Landmark, Hidden, Secret](https://diyanddragons.blogspot.com/2019/10/landmark-hidden-secret.html?m=1). The SED names seem better fit to rooms, while the LHS names align better with thinking about keying a wilderness hexcrawl.

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Oooh, this is the kind of stuff I was looking for! Thanks for the link!

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Loved that part where you say that people should test early and often. I am doing exactly that more and more when developing my games. Wanted to ask if Exeunt Press is open for collabs with other developers? If that is an option I would like to have a word with you.

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Hi! I’m not currently seeking collaborators at this time, but will keep you in mind! Thank you!

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‘See, Explore, Discover’ is an interesting way to overcome the all too common tendency when writing adventures for the author to assume too much knowledge on the part of their readers. Funnily enough, after years of deprecating the old ‘read this boxed text’ method (more, I suspect, because of the clunky writing than the purpose it served), I do find myself structuring my own stuff in a way that mirrors these layers of information (though not as formally as this method - which I might well now steal).

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