📧 How to get your 4,000th newsletter subscriber
ADVENTURE! pre-order update, how to get (and keep) newsletter subscribers, TUMULUS 3 cover and guest contrib, and searching for alien life in SETI.
Welcome to Exeunt Omnes, the official newsletter for loyal fans and sworn enemies of Exeunt Press, creator of games such as Exclusion Zone Botanist and Eleventh Beast. You can find digital games at games.exeunt.press and physical products at shop.exeunt.press.
TL;DR Summary
💀 ADVENTURE! update
📧 How to get your 4,000th subscriber
🩻 TUMULUS Issue 3 and shipping update
🎲 Recently played: SETI
💀 ADVENTURE! update
You still have time to get the ADVENTURE! Pre-Order Bundle from Skeleton Code Machine. Use hands-on exercises to make your first (or next) TTRPG adventure!
The bundle includes ADVENTURE! (Print + PDF) as well as the example adventures used in the 84-page book: Invitation to a Dark Masquerade, Hammer of a Killing Crown, and A Pale Ground Covering All. They are written for MÖRK BORG but can be adapted to other systems. They are the perfect learning supplements even if you don’t plan on playing them with your RPG group.
I plan to place the first print order this week, and fulfillment will begin shortly after receiving them. Once shipping begins, there will be an option to purchase the ADVENTURE! book (Print + PDF) without the bundle items.
If you just want the PDF only, that’s available right now at itch.io.
SHOP: ADVENTURE! Pre-Order Bundle at the Exeunt Press Shop
📧 How to get your 4,000th newsletter subscriber
I started Skeleton Code Machine (SCM) on Substack in January 2023 (~2 years ago) and recently got my 4000th subscriber.1 It’s a niche of a niche topic: exploring tabletop game mechanisms, so the potential audience is small. The newsletter has, however, consistently grown. How?
Be consistent: The annual reader survey shows that subscribers appreciate that SCM comes out every Tuesday no matter what. It’s predictable and they know when to look for it. Pick a day and stick with it.
Be yourself: I write like I talk, which can admittedly be a little cold or academic sounding… but it is me. :) Readers appreciate the neutral tone rather than contrarian reviews and clickbait.
Write about what you love: I love board games, TTRPGs, card games, and all the others. Writing gives me a way to process and organize my thoughts about game design, even if no one else ever reads it. I’m just fortunate enough that other people like reading it too!
Shorter is better: I usually write until I get Substack’s warnings about post length, and then wrap it up. I hate cutting material, but readers appreciate the shorter posts too. Having a variety seems good.2
Engage with readers: I love SCM readers and the energy they bring to the comments. They are kind, thoughtful, and point out ideas and examples that I missed. Replying to and learning from readers is the best!
None of these tips are new. I’m sure you’ve read them a hundred times before, but that’s because they work. Being active on social media helps too, but I feel like without the ones above, even success might feel like drudgery.
If you want more tips, I recommend checking out Build Your Own Fan Club: How to Use Your Email List from GDC 2019.
Write. Make weird stuff. Have fun.
READ: Skeleton Code Machine
Skeleton Code Machine is an ENNIE-nominated weekly publication that explores tabletop game mechanisms. It’s been called a “Seemingly endless source of gaming ponderings” and a “Goldmine.” Check it out at www.skeletoncodemachine.com.
🩻 TUMULUS Issue 3 and shipping update
TUMULUS is a quarterly, print-only zine from Skeleton Code Machine. Packed with creative inspiration, game design theory, and playable mechanisms. With Issue 2 shipping now, Issue 3 will be next. The theme will be “Kick open the door.”
I’m thrilled to announce that the Issue 3 guest contributor will be Jesse Ross of Trophy Dark fame! I think you will really enjoy his piece.
Also two other updates:
International shipping to Australia is now available! Use the UK/EU/AUS order page to subscribe.
You can now order Tumulus back issues at the Exeunt Press Shop. Remember that you can save quite a bit by subscribing!
SUBSCRIBE: TUMULUS from Skeleton Code Machine
🎲 Recently played: SETI
SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Holek, 2024) is a tight, action efficiency euro wrapped up in a space exploration theme. While the board and setup can be intimidating, turns moved quickly. I particularly enjoyed how the rotation of the planets could help or hinder launching and landing probes — felt thematic.
I also liked how discovering aliens unlocks new mechanical parts of the game, adding new tokens/resources and cards.
PLAY: SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Thanks for subscribing to Exeunt Omnes!
Check out games.exeunt.press for all the latest games and resources!
- E.P. 💀
Skeleton Code Machine has 4,175 subscribers at last count.
Looks like longer posts are 1700 - 2200 words. Shorter ones seem to be maybe 1200 - 1500 words. Didn’t check them all but I think everything is over 1000. Just a quick spot check.
Strangely enough, I played SETI for the first time last weekend. I agree that the way the solar system rotates is quite neat, but I found the game a bit too heavy for my tastes.