Welcome to the Exclusion Zone.
MÖRKTOBER, Exclusions Zone Botanist, and A Pale Ground Covering All.
Welcome to the very first Exeunt Press newsletter!
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This year’s MÖRKTOBER was a huge success. Originally it was just going to be my personal attempt to get into a daily writing habit, and maybe make some MÖRK BORG content. It turned into many people around the world all posting and sharing some pretty amazing creations!
Search for #MÖRKTOBER on Twitter and Instagram to see what everyone made and shared.
I’ll definitely be doing this again next year. Watch for the new prompts!
Exclusion Zone Botanist
When I created and released Exclusion Zone Botanist (EZB) this year, I had no idea how much it would resonate with people. It started as a writing test for myself to compress a one-page RPG into a simple tri-fold pamphlet, but really turned into something special.
Watch Philippa Mort’s short preview of EZB that was posted to earlier this month. Such an amazing job of compressing the essence of the game into just a few seconds of video. Honestly a better summary than I did myself!
Last month, Brandon Yu (@Chaoclypse) did a live stream of Exclusion Zone Botanist on his Twitch channel. Although I don’t believe the stream was saved, you can see some of the amazing art from it here:
Gregg Kawakami (@KawakamiGregg) called Exclusion Zone Botanist an “excellent blend of horror, art and pseudo science geekiness!" Three of my favorite things!
Grab some dice and drawing tools and try it yourself. It’s currently free on exeuntpress.itch.io.
A Pale Ground Covering All
A Pale Ground Covering All is a new MÖRK BORG third-party adventure released at the end of October. It’s a sequel (of sorts) to Hammer of a Killing Crown.
All manner of winged pests fill the air of Grift. The endless buzzing is an annoyance, but hardly dangerous. Yet King Sigfúm knows they are no mere pests. In the swarms, the mocked king sees the fulfillment of the Calendar of Nechrubel.
The King watched The Killing Crown spread, fulfilling the First Psalm. Now he watches from the shore of the Endless Sea as the Second Psalm comes to pass…
It’s inspired by The Fly (1986) as well as this year’s Bogfolk Monster Jam. With a sixteen room dungeon, rumors and lies, quite a few new magic items, and a boss monster, I hope you’ll have fun with it!
Substack & Recommendations
As you may know, Revue may be shut down at the end of 2022. While that isn’t confirmed, there’s enough instability in the platform that it might be the right time to move the old Exeunt Press newsletter elsewhere. The Exeunt Press Newsletter now lives at exeuntpress.substack.com.
I’ve been very happy with the writing tools Substack provides. As for reading, I’ve been happy with that as well. In fact there’s quite a few gaming related newsletters I’d like to recommend:
The Indie RPG Newsletter: Thomas Manuel’s weekly newsletter has been going strong since 2020. I look forward to receiving it every Sunday, and enjoy the bite-sized commentary and links.
Lizard Mail: Emiel Boven’s monthly roundup of art and TTRPG creations like The Electrum Archive and DURF.
Perplexing Ruins: Just getting started, but subscribed for what I am sure will include some eerie and evocative art.
Mimic Publishing Collective: Hinokodo and Ryan Huff are behind this quarterly newsletter, probably best known for MIRU.
Missives from the MeatCastle: Christian Sorrell / MeatCastle GameWare’s (mostly) monthly newsletter. The Bloodfields: A Post-Mortem (Nov 18) issue is worth reading if you ever plan to run a Kickstarter campaign.
There’s many more I’d like to recommend, but perhaps in a future post.
Game Jams of Note
So many jams, so little time:
Fallen Jam hosted by Perplexing Ruins, closes in a month.
Anamnesis Jam by Blinking Birch Games, closes in 2 months.
Tales From The Void: A Liminal Horror Jam by Goblin Archives, closes in a month.
Minimalist TTRPG Jam by Binary Star Games, closes in 10 days.
Thank You
Again, thank you so much for taking the time to subscribe and see what’s new at Exeunt Press. 💀