I’m excited to announce Skeleton Code Machine, a weekly publication from Exeunt Press that explores tabletop game mechanisms in board games and role playing games.
Each week we might:
Explore a mechanism (e.g. dice placement) or concept (e.g. line of sight) and give some examples of how it is used in board games and/or role playing games.
Investigate probability and chance behind the dice.
Run a tiny simulation using a bit of Python.
Do a deep dive on a single game
The goal is to spark your creativity as a game designer or enthusiast, and perhaps think differently about how games work.
The first two posts will serve as an introduction. Learn a little about the author by way of a quick analysis on my BGG collection stats, and perhaps a Top 10 list. Scatter plots and box and whisker diagrams will be involved.
Sound interesting? Subscribe here: www.skeletoncodemachine.com
I’m looking forward to learning more about game mechanisms, and I hope you’ll join me.
E.P. 💀
P.S. Don’t worry, this newsletter (i.e. the Exeunt Press Newsletter) will remain as it is. It’s usually only published when there is a new release or major announcement.